Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Re: Gvim message on XDG textedit URL link

Andrew Bernard wrote:
> I have PDF's with links in them and XDG textedit URLs that can take me
> from the PDF to the source file (for lilypond music engraving if
> interested)., The links work and take me to the right line and column
> corresponding to the link in the PDF. But I am unable to turn off the
> lengthy and needless long cryptic message displayed at the bottom of
> the screen despite searching for answers. Having to see this and press
> enter every time is tedious. This is an example:
> gvim message.jpg
> Here's the sort of textedit link:
> textedit:///home/acb/work/test.ly:4:2:3
> What should one do?
I am unable to find a "textedit:" string in any of the vim runtime
files. Sounds like you've installed a plugin to handle textedit links --
so I suggest finding out what the plugin name is and contacting its author.

Chip Campbell

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