Friday, September 9, 2022

Re: Long Vim start time after upgrading Debian [SOLVED]

Problem solved,

* john magolske <> [220905 14:14]:
> after upgrading my debian system from buster to bullseye (vim 8.1 to
> 8.2), i'm seeing a noticeably longer start time for vim, about 5-6
> seconds. i tried:
> vim --startuptime vim.log
> and looking at that vim.log file it seems sourcing the syntax.vim file
> is what's taking unusually long:
> ...
> 050.939 001.488 000.145: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim82/syntax/synload.vim
> 050.969 001.925 000.184: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim82/syntax/syntax.vim
> 5275.196 5255.470 5241.109: sourcing $home/.vimrc
> 5275.233 000.122: sourcing vimrc file(s)
> ...

With `vim -u NONE` I saw the 5-second delay go away and realized
something in my ~/.vimrc was the culprit. A binary search narrowed it
down to a block added by OPAM user-setup (for OCaml), which was old &
out of date as I haven't used it in a while. Removing that solved the



John Magolske

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