Saturday, October 22, 2022

Re: Share variables between Two vim9 def functions

Hi Tommy

Vim9script introduces the fact of having to use a global to pass values ​​between a P function, producing its values, used for example in an autocommand and a second C function consuming its data / values ​​which would be called on a key mapping for example.  The fact is that going through globals is not very elegant and forced to create a new global named different in each new case explained above.  So I was looking for another way.


Le jeudi 20 octobre 2022 à 09:23:46 UTC+2, a écrit :
I don't get what you mean really, I'd use a g:global variable personally, and not think more of it.



tir. 18. okt. 2022, 6:50 p.m. skrev Nicolas <>:

All written in vim9script, I wonder how sharing variable between two def vim9 functions out of declaring these funcs as this :    
  • the first one imported and used throught _vimrc autocommand on BufEnter
  • the second one is declared inside the first one and is mapped just after in the code on event such as mouse double click.
The second one func, it needs variable dict computed by the first one on each BufEnter event.

In vimfiles/helper/autoload/helper.vim I got 
export def UnderLineHeaders(): void
  var headers: dict<string> = {}      
   .. some stuff

  def g:OpeningHeader(): void       
     exe 'edit ' .. headers['goodIdxHeader'] ~path to the header file.
  nnoremap <buffer> <2-Leftmouse> :call g:OpeningHeader()<CR>     <<< be carefull :)

In _vimrc i got:
  import autoload './vimfiles/plugged/helper.vim/autoload/helper.vim' as that
  autocmd BufEnter *.cpp,*.h thatUnderLineHeaders()                  <<< be carefull :)

Out of global var, I think there is a better way  to share something between first exported func and triggered on BufEnter and second one which needs variable computed of this triggered func, second one which occurs and called on mapped double click mouse event .

Thank you for your help
I can share the entire vimscript if needed.

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