Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Re: vim9script autocommand not recalled more than one time ??

Yes it works also as this :

in vimfiles/helper/autoload/helper.vim
export def TestExportedFunc(): void
  echomsg 'Exported Func Test is well imported and called for file ' .. expand("%:p")

in _vimrc
if has('autocmd')
  autocmd BufEnter *.h,*.cpp call that.TestExportedFunc()

Thank you Doug
Le mardi 18 octobre 2022 à 14:38:07 UTC+2, Doug Kearns a écrit :
On Sun, 16 Oct 2022 at 08:17, Nicolas <niva...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Using some stuff in helper and calling them through autocommand defined in _vimrc,
> it seems called vim9 def function is just called one time.
> This is the autocmd in _vimrc
> import './vimfiles/plugged/nv-helper.vim/autoload/nvhelper.vim' as that
> autocmd BufEnter *.h,*.cpp :call that.TestImportedFunc()
> This is the vim9 func:
> export def TestImportedFunc(): void
> echomsg 'Imported Func is well called and tested.'
> enddef
> Don't understand why only on first buffer as cpp, the echomsg of this func so this func is called: just one time ?

It works for me with Vim 9.0.0769.


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