Saturday, October 8, 2022

Re: Where should $VIM point to?

On Sun, 9 Oct 2022 02:28:14 +0200
Tony Mechelynck <> wrote:

> Well, the Vim executables I compile myself come with $VIM defaulted to
> /usr/local/share/vim and $VIMRUNTIME set to
> /usr/local/share/vim/vim90/. Those from my Linux distro have $VIM set
> to /usr/share/vim and $VIMRUNTIME set to /usr/share/vim/vim90. The
> "system vimrc" is at, respectively, $VIM/vimrc and /etc/vimrc but
> neither of them exist. My vimrc sets $VIM to /usr/share/vim so that
> they both will find my user-written scripts (at $VIM/vimfiles and
> below) at a common location. I don't touch $VIMRUNTIME so each of them
> uses its own "distribution" scripts. This way, in the rare case that I
> have to use the distro's Vim rather than my own, it will work
> identically apart from a difference in patchlevels and in featureset.

Thanks. That clears pretty much everything. Just one question. Why are
the user-written scripts residing in /usr/share/vim instead of ~/.vim? I
assume that's an unrelated, personal reason.


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