Monday, November 28, 2022

Re: how trigger vim to open a conversion result?

On Fr, 25 Nov 2022, meine wrote:
> Sometimes I get text files with a format that is not directly human
> readable, e.g. an MS Word file. Does anyone know how to open a
> conversion-result directly in vim?
> I use pandoc to convert between formats. The string I use just to read a
> Word file is
> $ pandoc -f docx -t rst [file]filename[/filename] | less
> Pandoc converts the docx-file to a ReStructuredText file that can be
> read in a pager.
> But how do I trigger vim to open the result (instead of less)?
> //meine

check out the various BufReadCmd autocommands. As an example, you may
want to check the zipPlugin, that is distributed with vim and allows to
browse the content of zip packages:


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