Monday, December 19, 2022

Re: Multiple windows get corrupted

Am 2022-12-19 01:04, schrieb Ben Mehmet:
> When running vim (mostly) in multi-window mode in ubuntu, my windows
> get corrupted with random characters. Hard to explain, but as if the
> screen doesn't get refreshed. Like to see the actual buffer contents,
> I have to move up or down continuously. I try ctrl-r or :e with no
> result. I am on vim 8.2 and ubuntu 22.04.
> I appreciate any help with this matter.

Have you tried using `Ctrl-L` or the ex command `:redraw` (with or
without the `!`)?

Does it fix it?

Also, are you running vim in a terminal or using a GUI? Can you verify
using the latest Vim version?


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