Monday, January 2, 2023

Re: Simple Vim questions -- Backspace + Escape in maps

Am 2022-12-31 18:11, schrieb
> I used Vi for many years (on Unix) then stopped, but need it again (on
> Windows 10). There are couple of things that I used to be able to do
> in my sleep but no longer master, and the online information is hard
> to use (it talks about very complicated things but I was not able to
> find simple answers to simple questions).
> 1. Backspace in insert mode, over some characters, gives a special
> character instead of erasing. I remember that this was a feature, not
> a bug – a way to type special characters when they were troublesome
> to produce otherwise. I don't need that facility, which is very
> annoying; I just want backspace to erase. What should I do? My
> settings file (_vimrc) currently has
> set bs=2

Hm, I don't know about backspace, but perhaps you meant to not redraw
the line when doing a change command by e.g. `:set cpo+=$` (see :h


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