Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Re: Starting GVim maximized

On Wed, Jan 4, 2023 at 6:51 PM Alessandro Antonello <> wrote:

First, sorry for top posting. I'm using a mobile version of Gmail and it didn't allow me to answer after the last message.

Yes, it's *really* difficult to do inline responses from the phone GMail app. In this day and age of smartphones being ubiquitous, I think we should relax our email list's rule against top-posting. The only reason I did all the cleanup here to remove the boilerplate signatures and older responses is that I'm on my laptop right now, from where it's much easier to select and delete text.
Windows 32 and Windows 64 are completely different APIs. So is really possible to have different behaviors on both GVim.

It still seems like a bit of a bug to me because it behaves fine in 32-bit, but hides the tab bar until I resize the window a second time. It's entirely possible the bug is in Windows and not Vim, as suggested by meine.
Also is possible that the behavior is caused by the 'simalt ~X' command been used too earlier. Try putting it in a timer, like 400ms after the GUIEnter autocommand. I had a similar problem when trying to open a NERDtree window automatically and solved that way.

Simply put, genius! I was able to put it in a timer, just like you said, but I noticed that timers don't fire until Vim is ready, so I was able to do this with a timer delay of 0. (I started with 400 and kept reducing it, figuring I would stop when it started failing.)

I did also try VimEnter instead of GuiEnter, but that didn't solve it, so I stuck with GuiEnter.

Thank you, Alessandro, and everybody else who took the time to indulge me. Much appreciated.

All the best,


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