Friday, January 20, 2023

Re: Using Vim9 for a function

On Fri, Jan 20, 2023 at 1:48 AM andalou <> wrote:
> I'm using vim 9.1221 on Windows 10. I tried to create a function using
> Vim9, as in:
> def! Foo(a: float, b: float): float
> return a + b
> enddef
> If I call Foo(1.2, 5.0) I get the answer 6.2
> but if I call Foo(1.2, 5) I get:
> E1013: Argument 2:type mismatch, expected float but got number
> How can I modify the function to make it possible to call Foo(1.2, 5)
> and get a result.
> Many thanks in advance,
> --
> Cesar

IIUC, allowing a Number to be used where a Float is expected is
permitted in Vim pre-9 but forbidden in Vim 9.

Solution 1: Use "function" instead of "def". This will make your
function a "legacy function" and it won't need strict-typed arguments:

:function Foo(a, b)
:return a + b

Solution 2: call Foo(1.2, 5.0) instead.

Best regards,

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