Friday, January 20, 2023

Re: Why does (my) Vim leave the cursor to the last mark even if I don't save the file?

> I think what he is asking is for the " mark to only be written to the
> viminfo file for buffers that have been modified. I'm not sure how to
> do this or if it is even possible, but it seems like a perfectly
> reasonable behavior to want.
> Perhaps a VimLeavePre autocommand that wipes unmodified buffers? What
> other settings for those buffers would not be saved to .viminfo?

How about:
- When writing the buffer set some flag, e.g. b:did_write_this_buf
- When exiting, go through all buffers and those that don't have the
b:did_write_this_buf flag move the cursor to the " mark.

Something like that.

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