Thursday, February 9, 2023

Re: vim_runtime: does someone use this...

On 2023-02-09, 'Sebastian Gödecke' via vim_use wrote:
> Hi, 
> nobody there?
> I checked this twice, in my_config.vim are my default settings, but the
> settings wouldn't load. Additional in in the file i "set rnu" but this also
> wouldn't be set up. 
> So how to start to "debug" this?
> Am Di., 7. Feb. 2023 um 16:27 Uhr schrieb Sebastian Gödecke:
> Hi, 
> and could help me in clearify: i should have jedi.vim in the "plugins"
> folder "sourced_non_forked". so i think it should be running, but how could
> i check this? 
> I get an error when opening e.g python files:
> jedi-vim: Error when loading the jedi python module (module 'jedi' has no
> attribute '__version__'). Please ensure that Jedi is installed correctly
> (see Installation in the README.
> How to handle with this?
> regards Sebastian

I'm glad to help, but there's a lot in your explanation I don't

In my installation of Vim, there are no folders named "plugings" or
"sourced_non_forked". I don't know what folders you are referring

What "config.vim" file are you referring to? The only files named
"config.vim" that I find in my Vim installation are these:


Those are used to aid with editing files for configure scripts--they
are not used for configuring Vim. Vim's primary configuration file
is one of these:

On Unix:

On Windows:


:help vimrc

Where exactly did you put jedi.vim? The traditional location for
plugins is the folder ~/.vim/plugin on Unix or ~/vimfiles/plugin on
Windows. See:

:help plugin

Recent versions of Vim and Vim plugin managers put plugins in
different directories, but I am not familiar with any of those. You
can find out more about Vim packages here:

:help packages

You can determine whether Vim has loaded your plugin by executing
the ":scriptnames" command and looking for config.vim and jedi.vim
in that list. See:

:help :scriptnames

That should get us started in figuring out what went wrong.


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