Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Re: get better copy backwards

вт, 7 мар. 2023 г., 10:21 Enan Ajmain <3nan.ajmain@gmail.com>:
This behavior annoys me as well.  Fortunately I don't need to yank
backward too often.

To answer your question, vim motions are of two types:
  - ':h inclusive'
  - ':h exclusive'

I don't understand that helpdoc well, but I understand that this is the
reason 'yb' excludes the character the cursor was on.  For fun, try
'yge', which is an inclusive motion.  It's not a substitute of 'yb'
(you'll see why when you try).  It's just to demonstrate the reason why
'yb' behaves unintuitively.

It's not gonna be changed upstream, but I bet patching your own copy of
vim won't be too hard.  If I were using 'yb' as often as you seem to be,
I would've tried patching it.


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Getting exclusive-inclusive difference is easier than it looks at first: exclusive motions always exclude the rightmost character. This is both weird and normal at the same time, as driving a car: turning wheel to the right always turns car to the right, no matter if it goes forward or backward.

Kind regards,

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