Saturday, June 17, 2023

Re: BUG: terminal vim 9.0.1506 x64 window 10

Quick experimentation indicates that console mode vim fails when width >= 250.  But not every time.

I don't think height matters.

On Sat, Jun 17, 2023, 9:59 AM Bram Moolenaar <> wrote:

Robert Solomon wrote:


> I learned there that vim is known to dislike non-standard terminal sizes. 
> So I made the terminal windows smaller and it started to work.

Strange, I had not heard this before.

> I'm following up w/ my last post, to say that it's been fixed by making the
> terminal window size smaller.  This fixed the same issue whether it was
> cmd.exe, windows terminal, or TakeCommand.

Is there a specific maximal size?  If yes, then please tell us.

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