Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Re: BUG: terminal vim 9.0.1506 x64 window 10

On Wed, 21 Jun 2023 19:16:28 +0200
Christian Brabandt <> wrote:
> > Am 21.06.2023 um 18:13 schrieb Enan Ajmain <>:
> >
> > ___On Wed, 21 Jun 2023 13:41:03 +0100
> > Bram Moolenaar <> wrote:
> >> Can we assume that MS Terminal is included with the distribution, or
> >> installed most widely? If so, then investing time in making this work
> >> properly is well worth it.
> >
> > Windows 11 comes with MS Terminal and is the default [1].
> Is this true? I thought I had to manually install it on my win 11 system.

Informed by good source. I asked on a PowerShell Discord server. A lot
of MS employees frequent there. One of them said Windows 11 should
include MS Terminal. He also said to tell him or Kayla (for some reason
he thought I know all of them) if I find any edge case.

There is also the link I provided in my previous email. It declares
that Windows 11 will not only come with MS Terminal, it will come with
it as default (which is what Stan Brown talked about in the other reply
to your email).

> Thanks
> Chris

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