Sunday, June 18, 2023

Re: BUG: terminal vim 9.0.1506 x64 window 10

On Fri, Jun 16, 2023 at 6:28 PM 'Susan McElheny' via vim_use <> wrote:
I have used VI on Unix for over 30 years and now have to use it in Windows where it works much differently.  If I open gVim 9.0 in a GUI session, how do I open another file without having to go to the top with my mouse and select File, Open?  At the command level I can just :vi "filename", but I've been having issues working with VI at the command level - maybe be because it didn't like that I made the window larger as people have just mentioned.

Hopefully a simple question for you experts!

Susan McElheny
Senior Analyst, Data Operations

Apart from the fact that you ought to have started a new thread and not jumped onto any passing thread with an unrelated question:

To open a 2nd (or 3rd, ..., nth) file in a new window in a running Vim or gvim on any OS, just do

     :new filename.ext
     :split filename.ext

replacing filename.ext by the desired filename (with path if necessary).

If, instead, you want to _replace_ the file currently being edited by another one in the same window, then do
      :e filename.ext
If the file has modifications, Vim will refuse to wipe it out (unless 'autowriteall' is on, which is not the default): in that case you should either save the file first, or use :e! instead of :e to forget all changes.

    :h :new
    :h :split_f
    :h :edit
and also accessorily
    :h 'awa'
    :h ++opt
    :h +cmd

Best regards,

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