Saturday, June 10, 2023

Re: documenting my own plugins?

El sáb, 10 jun 2023 a las 18:51, Gary Johnson (<>) escribió:
On 2023-06-10, Jose Caballero wrote:
> Hi,
> apologies if this is a silly question.
> I am trying to write documentation for my plugins in the ~/.vim/ftplugin/foo/
> directory.
> This is what I have tried:
> 1) created  ~/.vim/ftplugin/foo/doc/
> 2) created file ~/.vim/ftplugin/foo/doc/testfoo.txt with content
> *testfoo* this is a test
> 3) :helptags ~/.vim/ftplugin/foo/
> 4) But when I try 
> :help testfoo 
> it doesn't work.
> What am I missing?

I don't know for sure--I haven't tested this--but ":help
add-local-help" uses as an example,

    :helptags ~/.vim/doc

Note that that path ends with the doc directory.  So try this:

    :helptags ~/.vim/ftplugin/foo/doc



Actually, yes, that's what I tried ( :helptags ~/.vim/ftplugin/foo/doc/ ). I typed it wrong in my first post.
But not working.

Sorry for the confusion.


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