Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Re: How to disable and replace Vim's standard formatting of Pascal

Tim Chase said on Tue, 13 Jun 2023 20:37:10 -0500

>On 2023-06-13 21:18, Steve Litt wrote:
>> Using grep, I found there are no files whose names contain the string
>> "pascal" in any case in the ~/.vim directory (I'm using Void Linux).
>I suspect your frustration is being caused by something in

Correct: ~/.vim/indent didn't exist, so I followed your instructions...

>As such, you should be able to do something like (optionally putting
>your settings in there, too)
> $ mkdir -p ~/.vim/indent
> $ cat >> ~/.vim/indent/pascal.vim <EOF
> let b:did_indent = 1
> set ai
> set expandtab
> set tabstop 3
> set shiftwidth 3

The preceding worked. Now I can tab and Ctrl+d or Ctrl+t for
*space-only* indentation of three spaces in insert mode. Naturally,
I can use << and >> in command mode. It's beautiful. Vim doesn't try to
guess what I want in indentation: It lets me do it manually, which is
just what I want.

>or possibly adding something like
> autocmd FileType pascal let b:did_indent=1
>to your ~/.vimrc might at least prevent the stock indentation

The preceding didn't work, but that's OK, your main solution worked, so
thank you!


Steve Litt
Autumn 2022 featured book: Thriving in Tough Times

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