Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Re: How to disable and replace Vim's standard formatting of Pascal

Tony Mechelynck said on Wed, 14 Jun 2023 10:03:44 +0200

>I think Tim's answer is right. Now for a bit of explanation, as found
>in the help for 'runtimepath' (in my gvim and with my 'guifont' this
>uses about two screenfuls of help text):

Thanks Tony! I wish somebody had told me about :h runtimepath twenty
years ago. It sure would have helped in my development and tech support
for VimOutliner.


>• $VIM/vimfiles/ and its subdirectories other than after/ are
>for system-wide scripts to be run before those distributed with Vim.
>These scripts are normally put there by a system administrator;

>• $VIMRUNTIME/ and its subdirectories contain scripts coming from the
>Vim distribution. Users and even system administrators should keep
>hands off them because any user's changes there will disappear the
>next time the Vim runtime files are updated;

Oh oh. See following command line session:

[slitt@mydesk .vim]$ echo $VIMRUNTIME

[slitt@mydesk .vim]$ echo $VIM

[slitt@mydesk .vim]$

I'll be studying :h runtimepath to make me more proficient with Vim.
Thanks for showing it to me.


Steve Litt
Autumn 2022 featured book: Thriving in Tough Times

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