Thursday, June 1, 2023

Re: Multiple windows get corrupted

> Ok. So as expected it happened again. And I followed the steps you (Bram)
> mentioned. I have following diffs between the bad (left side) and good
> (right side):
> columns=258 <-----> columns=120
> lines=72 <-----> lines=60
> modified <-----> nomodified
> scroll=35 <-----> scroll=29
> window=71 <-----> window=59
> lines, columns, and window are set in my .gvimrc. I am experimenting with
> commenting them out to see if any effect.
> Any ideas from your side?

The number of columns and lines has changed. Did the Vim window
actually change size? It would have gotten more than twice as wide.
Or the font has changed to a much smaller one.

You can try resizing it, e.g. by grabbing the left or right size and
dragging it just enough to make the window one character wider or
smaller. Then check if the 'columns' and 'lines' options did change.

...for the taxes that I pay because it means that I am employed.

/// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\
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