Monday, July 17, 2023

Re: Improving vim startuptime

On So, 16 Jul 2023, Gary Johnson wrote:

> On 2023-07-17, Manas wrote:
> > $ hyperfine "vim -N -u NONE -i NONE -X -cq"
> > Benchmark 1: vim -N -u NONE -i NONE -X -cq
> > Time (mean ± σ): 2.047 s ± 0.006 s [User: 0.032 s, System: 0.010 s]
> > Range (min … max): 2.039 s … 2.056 s 10 runs
> Interesting! That's crazy. It should not take nearly that long to
> execute that last command. Vim is not doing anything but starting
> without loading any files, then immediately exiting.
> Is that what you observe without using hyperfine?
> I've never used hyperfine; I've just read about it since your post.
> I usually run a command with the time command, throw away the first
> run because it includes the time time to fill caches, then average
> the next three.

I have never heard about hyperfine¹ before, but it always seems to spawn
a new shell and even so it is supposed to correct the shell spawning
time, perhaps there is something going wrong? I would try using `-N` to
disable the intermediate shell and probably open a new ticket about


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