Sunday, July 16, 2023

Re: Improving vim startuptime

On Sun, Jul 16, 2023 at 10:55:04AM -0700, Gary Johnson wrote:
> It depends, of course, on why it is slow. You can start vim with
> the --startuptime option to get a better idea of where the slowdown
> is. See ":help --startuptime".
> For example, starting vim on my Cygwin system was really slow
> because I wrote my vimrc and some plugins as I would for Unix, where
> running external programs is really fast. I re-wrote those to make
> less use of external programs.
> As another example, starting vim on a remote Linux machine via ssh
> and X from a local Linux machine can be slow if the connection is
> slow because vim communicates with the X server and the terminal on
> the local machine. I don't know what to do in that case other than
> be patient or start vim with -X and forgo some of the features of X.
`startuptime` surprisingly shows me a mere 656ms, while hyperfine shows
me 2.7s. I am not sure how this discrepancy is arising. Here is the full

I see 234ms (out of those 656ms, ~35%) due to VimEnter autocommands. My
autocommands are just scattered throughout vimrc. Most of them are like:

au FileType <list> [mappings|calls]

Maybe there is a way to organize them better?

And there are a ton of plugins too. Is there any way to only source them

I can also try removing some of the old plugins. I haven't done a
cleanup in a while.


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