Thursday, July 6, 2023

Re: 'Keyboard input' vs 'cursor copy+paste' for "repeat" (.) action

Thank you, meine.

Not sure that you understood that my

/*typed-input*/ and /*copy+paste*/    

are both during the same insert/replace operation.

Since both inputs have been "inserted" together (in my view),

why are they not being captured as a complete set for the

repeat operation?



On 2023-07-06 03:42, meine wrote:
On Wed, Jul 05, 2023 at 04:23:54PM -0400, Eric Marceau wrote:  
Currently using        VIM version 8.1.3741      on Ubuntu MATE (Linux 5.4.0-150-generic #167-Ubuntu)    When I /copy+paste/ text using the system cursor,        regardless of whether that text is from another non-Vim      window, or from the text file currently in the Vim window,    if the text string being inserted is a combination of  */typed-input/* and /*copy+paste*/,  the Vim's "." (repeat operator)  seems to ignore the /copy+paste/ text and will *only* repeat  that portion of the entry which was /directly-typed at the //  //keyboard/ (i.e. xyz{cut+paste_text}<return>abc )!!!    Is that behaviour controlled by a modifiable Vim parameter  which can be set to allow both inputs to be captured as  a *single operation for full repeat*?  
  Cutting and copying tekst places the text in a register -- the '0  register'. The paste command places the contence of that register where pasted.    The pasting can be repeated with the dot-command, it pastes the same  text from the dot-register.    Since the dot-command only repeats the last command, it kan only repeat  the pasting. Copying another word overwrites the buffer the text is  copied into.    You could make a small macro to combine commands you want and use that.    Vim has several registers that you can use to copy text into and only  call that register to paste the text. The working is great but can be  overwhelming to learn. See `help: registers`.    //meine    

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