Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Vim9 script performance vs. legacy


I've been writing my scripts using Vim 9 recently (though without classes) and was wondering if anybody had any performance metrics/benchmarks they would be willing to share that compare Vim 9's speed compared to the same thing written in legacy code.

I find that a significant amount of my script-writing time is used in calling functions such as matchlist, popup_create and the such, which seem to me to be identical (unless you tell me that Vim 9 has access to more optimised version of these).

Maybe the 'for' loop where I iterate over a list of strings is faster in Vim 9 because it's both compiled and statically typed?

One of the things that caught me recently was that popup_create takes a parameter called 'line' which can be either a number or the word 'cursor'. It cannot be the STRING '2', it has to be the NUMBER 2 while 'cursor' is a string. In legacy script, no problem. Here, I had to make it a string variable and then see do something like 'lineNumber != "cursor" ? str2nr(lineNumber) : lineNumber' to convert it to a number if needed. i'm trying to figure out whether there is a measurable speed advantage to going through these motions or if I should just write my scripts in legacy Vim script.

What do people use for their own stuff these days?

Thanks so much, everybody.


I, too, shall something make and glory in the making.

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