Thursday, September 21, 2023

Fwd: Moving the Vim Homepage

Hi all,
just as fyi it seems google blocked my message to the vim-use mailing list, for Spam reasons.

Hopefully this goes through.

---------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ---------
Von: Christian Brabandt <>
Datum: Donnerstag, 21. September 2023 um 14:42:37 UTC+2
Betreff: Moving the Vim Homepage
An: <>, <>

Dear all,
as you may have noticed, we have had some issues with the
Homepage and https:// access (see also issue It's actually even getting
worse as there does no longer seem to be any valid ssl certificate
available, while previously, only 1 out of 2 requests used an old ssl

I have no idea what is actually going on and my request for help to and the OSChina did not succeed :(

So we will be moving the Vim Homepage again. It depends a bit how fast
we can get the infrastructure up and running and then we need to move
the DNS record. I hope it should be doable until the end of the month

In any case, once I know more details, I'll announce a maintenance
window for the homepage here and on so that we can
migrate the database properly and hopefully from then on, we will have a
better maintained homepage again.

@CC to our future homepage maintainer and the DNS admin so they know
that something will be coming.


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