Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Re: Replace spaces with underscore after some pattern in line

------ Original Message ------
From: "Igor" <>
To: "vim_use" <>
Sent: Wednesday, 27 Sep, 2023 At 12:09
Subject: Replace spaces with underscore after some pattern in line

How to replace all of the spaces in each line after XXX string?

Input sample data:
aaaaaa bbbbbb cccc XXX aaaaa bbbbbbb
cccccccc eeeeeeeeee XXX aaa bbbb cccc ddd
aaaa bbbb ddd ee XXX aaa bbb dddd eee

Output sample data:
aaaaaa bbbbbb cccc XXX_aaaaa_bbbbbbb
cccccccc eeeeeeeeee XXX_aaa_bbbb_cccc_ddd
aaaa bbbb ddd ee XXX aaa_bbb_dddd_eee


to my slight surprise this works:

:%s/\(XXX[^ ]*\) /\1_/g

The reason I had doubts is that the successive replacements start at the beginning of the earlier replacement.

(Sorry about layout. I'm not into this add at the end bit).

regards - Chris

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