Sunday, September 17, 2023

Re: Vim after Bram?

On 18/9/23 12:47, 'Philip Rhoades' via vim_use wrote:

I have been using Vim for so many decades that I sort of felt that Bram would always be there developing and improving the program - and while I have asked plenty of questions on the lists etc, I never really delved into how many other people contributed to the coding - approx how many would there be? for addons?

Are there any proposals among the main developers about how the project will continue?  How they will work together?  Is there an obvious front-runner to be the "benevolent dictator"?

I can't see myself ever NOT using Vim, but it would be nice to know the project was in good hands and had a strong future . .

I started learning C in the 80s - am I of any use for the cause now?


Like you I would like to always use Vim, but it is still being developed and seams to have a lead developer or two, so I am confident that all will be well in this post Bram world. There is still lots of activity on the developer list
   .~.     There are many things that I love....     /V\         but God Comes way above all else❣❣❣❣    /( )\    Francis (Grizzly) Smit    ^^-^^  

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