Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Re: Vim after Bram?

On Mon, Sep 18, 2023 at 2:27 PM Yegappan Lakshmanan <yegappanl@gmail.com> wrote:

On Sun, Sep 17, 2023 at 7:47 PM 'Philip Rhoades' via vim_use
<vim_use@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> People,
> I have been using Vim for so many decades that I sort of felt that Bram
> would always be there developing and improving the program - and while I
> have asked plenty of questions on the lists etc, I never really delved
> into how many other people contributed to the coding - approx how many
> would there be? for addons?
> Are there any proposals among the main developers about how the project
> will continue?  How they will work together?  Is there an obvious
> front-runner to be the "benevolent dictator"?

Thanks for reaching out.  Vim is being developed actively.  You can subscribe
to the vim-dev mailing list.  Also see


> I can't see myself ever NOT using Vim, but it would be nice to know the
> project was in good hands and had a strong future . .
> I started learning C in the 80s - am I of any use for the cause now?
> Regards,
> Phil.

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Vim is still actively being developed. I see more frequent Homebrew updates now. 

If you want to get involved, github.com/vim/vim is a good place to start.

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