Sunday, October 15, 2023

Re: Is uploading new scripts to possible?

On 2023-10-15, Christian Brabandt <> wrote:
> On Sa, 14 Okt 2023, Lifepillar wrote:
>> Now, after pressing "upload" I'm sent back to the form page, but the
>> script is still not uploaded.
> I tried it yesterday and it worked. I now tried it again and it still
> works.
> Let's take this off-list. Can we connect around 14:00 EST so I can watch
> the log files while you are trying to do it?

Sorry, I had to go. Anyway, I've found that the problem is the upload
size limit, which my file, weighing at >500KB, exceeds. Somehow,
yesterday I've missed the "Request Entity Too Large" error at the top of
the page.

Removing some assets from the plugin has made the upload go through.

I will consider a different way of distributing the assets: in fact,
I don't like such large plugins myself.

Thanks for your support!

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