Monday, November 13, 2023

Re: How to make Vim having a little better mouse support

On 2023-11-13, Igor Lerinc wrote:
> Yes, I did all tips I could apply about enabling mouse support in `.vimrc`, but
> I just want to have mouse support like in every other GUI editor.
> 1. I just need it to be able scroll with mouse selection (when I select, and go
> UP, it wont scroll to up like in every GUI editor does) (it can go DOWN though)
> .

vnoremap <ScrollWheelUp> k
vnoremap <ScrollWheelDown> j

> 2. When I click two times, that it do usual thing GUI editors would do, to
> select that word, or even whole line on three clicks. (currently, just works,
> on selecting whole line on three clicks)

This works as you want it to, right? Double- and triple- clicks
work that way for me.

> 3. And could that cursor be as line always, and not in block when it's normal
> mode ? it would be nice, if there's some plugin, to change color of cursor, so
> I could know I'm in normal/insert mode.


:help 'guicursor'

That covers both shape and color.


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