Saturday, December 16, 2023

Re: vim9 exported functions not recognized by ctags

Hi Life,

How to get exported and not exported def vim9 functions please according to g:tagbar_type_vim = { 'ctagstype': 'vim', 'kinds': ['e:export'] }?

Thank you
Le mercredi 10 août 2022 à 22:20:52 UTC+2, Lifepillar a écrit :
On 2022-08-10, N V <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Exported functions in New vim9 are not found by exubérant ctags, universal
> ctags and not displayed by tagbar plugin
> Is there a work around.

I have the same problem. I think that this will be eventually solved
upstream, but in the meantime the following works for me with Universal
Ctags (I haven't had time to refine this, so what follows is just
a sketch):

1. Create ~/.ctags.d/vim.ctags with the following content:

--kinddef-vim=e,export,exported function
--regex-vim=/^[ \t]*export[ \t]+def[ \t]+([^(]+)/\1/e,export/

2. In your .vimrc, or in your after/ftplugin/vim.vim file, inform Tagbar
about the new entity:

g:tagbar_type_vim = { 'ctagstype': 'vim', 'kinds': ['e:export'] }

Now, Tagbar should display (only) exported functions. Refer to Tagbar
documentation to learn how to *extend* the already recognized entities
by adding exported functions.

Hope this helps,

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