Monday, December 18, 2023

Re: vim9 exported functions not recognized by ctags

On 2023-12-16, Nicolas <> wrote:
> this is mine .ctags.d
> --kinddef-vim=e,export,function,"Vim 9 exported functions"
> --kinddef-vim=f,function,"Vim 9 non-exported functions"
> --kinddef-vim=g,global,"Vim 9 global variables"
> --kinddef-vim=K,const,Vim 9 constants
> --regex-vim=/^\s*export\s+def\s+([^(:]+)/\1/e,export,def/
> --regex-vim=/^\s*def\s+([^(]+)/\1/f,function,def/
> --regex-vim=/^\s*(g:\w+)\b/\1/g,global/
> --regex-vim=/^(\s*export\s+)?const\s+(\w+)/\2/K,const/
> --regex-vim=/^(\s*export\s+)?final\s+(\w+)/\2/K,const/
> with g:tagbar_type_vim = {'ctagstype': 'vim', 'kinds': ['e:export',
> 'g:global', 'K:const', 'f:function']}
> Hope this helps.
> nicolas

That should work, shouldn't it? Or what is your issue with it?

My current vim.ctags looks like this:

--kinddef-vim=g,vim9global,Vim 9 global variables
--kinddef-vim=K,vim9const,Vim 9 constants
--kinddef-vim=L,vim9class,Vim 9 class
--kinddef-vim=I,vim9interface,Vim 9 interface

That works with Universal Ctags 6.0.0, as confirmed by:

uctags --list-kinds=Vim

which outputs:

a autocommand groups
c user-defined commands
f function definitions
m maps
v variable definitions
n vimball filename
C constant definitions
g Vim 9 global variables
K Vim 9 constants
L Vim 9 class
I Vim 9 interface

In my `vimrc` I set the path to the executable:

g:tagbar_ctags_bin = '/opt/local/bin/uctags'

and for Vim tags:

g:tagbar_type_vim = {
'kinds': [
'f:functions and methods',
'g:global variables',
'a:autocommand groups:1',


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