Tuesday, January 23, 2024

[control cursor colour in normal mode and insert mode]

Dear all,

How are you? I hope all is well with you. I need help please. For some reason my cursor colour in Vim (in both: normal and insert mode) is no longer following the settings of the colour scheme. I have been using 'solarized8_light' colour scheme for a long time. I use it in both the terminal emulator Yakuake and in Vim itself. Initially the cursor is of its usual dark grey colour (please see a screenshot attached), but after a few commands it suddenly changes to white. White colour on the light background of the Solarized colour scheme makes my programming life miserable. On top of that I notice that this white cursor setting persists in Yakuake as well, when I exit Vim. Maybe it is not a Vim issue, but I would be very grateful for any advice on how to fix this. I use Vim 9.1 compiled by Arch Linux (Jan 2, 2024).  Thank you and have a great day ahead!

Best wishes,

Maxim Abalenkov \\ maxim.abalenkov@gmail.com
+44 7 486 486 505 \\ www.maxim.abalenkov.uk

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