Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Re: Commit: patch 9.1.0009: Cannot easily get the list of matches

I was hoping it would do multiline regex searches as well (help doesn't mention it can't do it)

Use case, find all C functions in, let's say src/highlight.c from vim sources:

Regex is \v^\s*(\k+\_s+){1,}\k+\(.{-}\)\_s*\{\s*$
And even though I can find them using regular interactive search (/) and :call search('\v^\s*(\k+\_s+){1,}\k+\(.{-}\)\_s*\{\s*$')
the result of the next call to matchbufline is empty:

    :call matchbufline(bufnr(), '\v^\s*(\k+\_s+){1,}\k+\(.{-}\)\_s*\{\s*$', 1, '$')

Apparently it goes line by line matching the pattern and thus fails.

Screenshot from 2024-02-14 22-56-07.png

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