Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Re: surrounding a word with tag with a dynamic attribute

Hi David,

Your posting of the tip dates quite a while ago.

Any idea if that would still work for vim/gvim 8.1 ?

Is that added to the ~/.vim/vimrc  ?

Finally, is that action triggered by typing the sequence   ':TagSelection'   ?

Thank you,


On Wednesday 5 May 2010 at 10:23:52 UTC-4 David Fishburn wrote:
On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 7:23 PM, discipulus <> wrote:
> It should have been {span class="sX"}discipulus{/span}
> I wrote this function just now:
> function! mytest()
>  let l:current_column=col('.')
>  exe 'normal b'
>  let l:beginning_column=col('.')
>  let l:diff = l:current_column - l:beginning_column + 1
> " this relies on the surround plugin
>  exe 'normal vs'
> endfunction
> What do you think and thanks for your response!

I wrote my own function specifically to wrap XML tags around some
highlighted text. If the text is part of a line I wrap it inline. If
the text (visually selected) spans multiple lines, then I add the tags
on new lines before and after the text.

I also allow you to add attributes and remove those when adding the closing tag.

" Tip #346: Tag Select/Wrapper:/*{{{*/
" Author: David Fishburn
" These mappings and TagSelection function will allow you to place
" an XML tag around either the current word, or the current selected
" text.
" If the visual select is on a single line, the tag is wrapped
" around the text <this>way</this>. If the visual select extends
" over multiple lines, the tag is wrapped around the text
" <this>
" way
" </this>
" When you are prompted for the tag name, you can enter:
" Tag name? p class="classname" attri="bute"
" The select is wrapped with:
" <p class="classname" attri="bute">
" Your selection
" </p>
" Notice the attributes have been stripped from the closing tag.
" Use nmap, not nnoremap, since we do want to use an existing mapping
nmap ,,, viw,,,
vnoremap ,,, <Esc>:call TagSelection()<CR>

function! TagSelection()
let tag = input("Tag name (include attributes)? ")

if strlen(tag) == 0

" Save b register
let saveB = @b
" <C-R> seems to automatically reindent the line for some filetypes
" this will disable it until we have applied our changes
let saveIndent = &indentexpr
let curl = line(".")
let curc = col(".")
let &indentexpr = ''

" If the visual selection is over multiple lines, then place the
" data between the tags on newlines:
" <tag>
" data
" </tag>
let newline = ''
if getline("'>") != getline("'<")
let newline = "\n"
let curl = line("'>")

" Strip off all but the first word in the tag for the end tag
let @b = newline . substitute( tag, '^[ \t"]*\(\<\S*\>\).*', '<\/\1>\e', "" )
let curc = curc + strlen(@b)
exec "normal `>a\<C-R>b"

let @b = substitute( tag, '^[ \t"]*\(\<.*\)', '<\1>\e', "" ) . newline
let curc = curc + strlen(@b)
exec "normal `<i\<C-R>b"

" Now format the area
exec "normal `<V'>j="

" Restore b register
let @b = saveB
let &indentexpr = saveIndent

call cursor(curl, curc)
" /*}}}*/

If it is of any use to you.


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