Friday, March 15, 2024

Re: Problems with the plugin description

пт, 15 мар. 2024 г., 09:52 Heiko Schröder <>:

Dear list,

I consulted the description posted in vim/runtime/doc/repeat.txt on github very carefully.  I wanted to install the calendar-vim script which was originally designed (last version) for vim7.2.  I now use vim 9.0. 

I created a directory ~/.vim/pack/calendar/start and unpacked there which creates the usual autoload/ doc/ and plugin/ directories there. 

It was said, that vim searches for the plugins in the start-directory after looking in the .vimrc. 

It should load automatically.  But nothing happens. 

Is there any kind of stupid mistake of mine?

Thanks a lot!

Best regards!

Heiko Schroeder, Ahrensburg, Germany

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Probably, you weren't really careful while reading the docs. The proper path should have the form pack/manager-name/start/plugin-name/, where both "manager-name" and "plugin-name" are arbitrary.

The purpose of "manager-name" subdirectory is to prevent conflicts between different plugin managers and/or manual plugin installations.

This is documented under `:help packages` topic in Vim's help.

Kind regards,

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