Friday, April 5, 2024

Re: First things first

On Do, 04 Apr 2024, Jorge Ventura wrote:

> a) Where can I see the new address for registering and sending money?
> I sent this morning money and PayPal showed me Bram's mail. I am not
> asking for my money back, rather some pointers to the new registering and
> voting processes.

Thanks for sponsoring. I think the paypal address still works and the
money is well received by the ICCF. This may change in the future, but I
don't know the details.

> b) is there any database with all supported Platforms/OS?
> For a side project, I am gathering such data formation.

It's probably in the help documents somewhere. I struggle to find this
always and have thought of adding a specific section to the help files,
if it isn't there already.

> c) What would be the future of Vim?
> I believe that Bram has become an institution for the software community,
> if he was not already. Therefore, what are the next steps for Vim? I really
> do not want that due to politics, lack of ideas, over compromising, or simply
> for whatever reason Vim falls apart.

The Vim community is healthy and we are continuing the development of
Vim. You can follow it on github or on the vim-dev mailing list. We try
to slowly improve Vim and fix bugs as we can. No big plans however.

You are welcome to help with whatever you can (doc updates, cleaning up
the issue list, code, add tests, etc).

Using words to describe magic is like using a screwdriver to cut roast beef.
-- Tom Robbins

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