Sunday, April 7, 2024

Re: How to Set menu size on gvim

On Mon, Apr 8, 2024 at 12:20 AM Tim Johnson <> wrote:
> I am using gvim version 8.2 on ubuntu 22.04,
> Huge version with GTK3 GUI.
> How may I set the menu size to a larger font?
> I have found instructions for versions with Athena or Motif but none that are current
> for modifying menu sizes on versions with GTK3.
> Thanks
> --
> Tim

The Menu highlight group is supposed to set font, foreground colour
and background colour for the menus and toolbar (see :help hl-Menu);
however in my current gvim system (with GTK3 GUI) this highlight group
is not set, and I haven't tried to set it to see if it made the menu
font change. (The menus are displayed.)

Best regards,

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