Sunday, April 28, 2024

Re: Why vimscript instead of another language? A philosophical or a technical question?

On 2024-04-28 22:59, Igbanam Ogbuluijah wrote:
> Do I want a setup like this?
> read results back into
> +---------------------------------+
> v |
> +-----+ write lines out to +------+ (1)
> | vim | ------------------------> | tool |
> +-----+ +------+
> Or do I want this?
> +-----+
> | vim | (2)
> +-----+
> It's amazing we can do 1, but 2 seems a lot more consolidated.

Consolidated? perhaps. But the separation is part of the appeal
of using Unix as an IDE[1]. I can replace each component independently
without needing a complete rip-and-replace of everything I know.
When RCS got supplanted by CVS, it didn't change my Makefile or
$EDITOR workflow. Same when Subversion supplanted CVS and when git
supplanted Subversion. Or when vim supplanted vi. (or when vi
displaced ed(1), FWIW). Same with my spell-check utilities. Or
my build-process orchestrator (though Makefiles have held up
remarkably well). When I want to debug Python with pdb instead of
C using GDB, I don't have to do anything special, just like I don't
have to worry that my next programming language doesn't have vim
integration because it has a standalone debugger that works in any
shell or $EDITOR.

I've used the integrated environments and they tend to churn. Visual
Studio, multiple Java IDEs, Sublime, Atom, VS Code, etc. Their
incorporate-everything rigidity becomes their downfall.



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