Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Re: Access class member from command line

On 2024-05-07, Girish <> wrote:
> On Sunday 5 May 2024 at 15:39:53 UTC+2 Lifepillar wrote:

>> Let's say I have this class in some `foo.vim` file:
>> export class Config
>> public static var option = false
>> endclass
>> Now, I'd like to set `Config.option` to `true` from a script and from
>> the command line. From a script, I can do this:
>> import "foo.vim"
>> type FooConfig = foo.Config
>> FooConfig.option = true
>> echo FooConfig.option # OK
>> echo foo.Config.option # Also works
>> Unfortunately, this gives an error (Undefined variable Config):
>> foo.Config.option = true
> Looks like a bug. Should be able to do `foo.Config.option = true`

Indeed. And fixed. That works with the latest Vim (9.1.399).

>> But how do I access the class member from the command line? Is that even
>> possible?

I still haven't found a way to do that, and I'm starting to think that
it is not currently possible. If I put this in ~/.vim/autoload/foo.vim:


export var x = 42

export def F()

export class C
public var setting = "ok"
public static var option = false

export var config =

Then these work from the command line:

echo foo#x
call foo#F()
echo foo#config
echo foo#config.setting

But I can't find a way to access the static variable 'option'.


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