Friday, November 22, 2024

Re: Syntax: allow newline but not blank lines in a region

On Sat, 23 Nov 2024 at 04:28, BPJ <> wrote:
I have a syntax for a markup language where certain delimited constructs allow single newlines but not blank lines, i.e. this is OK

``` markup

but this is not OK

``` markup


is there any way to set up a region so that it behaves like this? I tried `oneline` plus a contained `syn match` which matches a newline not preceded or followed by a blank line but no luck!

I get the behavior I want with a `syn match` with this pattern

``` pattern

Does something like this work?

:syn region foobar start="{_" end="_}" end="$" skip="\n\s*\S"
but then highlighting obviosly doesn't kick in until I type the closing delimiter so I would prefer a region.

Also is there a better way to match the start or end of the file than `\_.\@<!` and `\_.\@!`?

:help \%^


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