Monday, January 4, 2010

How to use an expression as the pattern

Hi Vim-users,

Can somebody tell me how to use an expression (e.g., the output of a command) as the search pattern? I am using vim 7.0.94

For example:

:let x = system("hostname") # say x is "mycomputer" now. This should work
:%s/$x/yourcomputer/g        # trying to change all "mycomputer" to "yourcomputer". This doesn't work
:%s/\=x/yourcomputer/g        # same purpose, but doesn't work either.

In section 9 (9. Compare with Perl patterns) of doc patten.txt it says:

Finally, these constructs are unique to Perl:
- execution of arbitrary code in the regex:  (?{perl code})

Does this mean that vim can't use an arbitrary expression as the search pattern? If so, any known workaround?


-- Karl

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