Monday, January 4, 2010

Re: filelist window ?

Thanks, I really feel I'm closed but it's not quite working yet...

I put the following line into my .lvimrc file:
>   let b:tselectfiles_dir = expand('<sfile>:p:h')

and tried the following command from within vim:

>   echo b:tselectfiles_dir

but it only gave me the following errors:

E121: Undefined variable: b:tselectfiles_dir
E15: Invalid expression: b:tselectfiles_dir

And the recursive file listing still didn't work :(
I still get only the root folder files..
any idea how to debug this ? what to do ?
i feel tselectfiles is really good for me, i really want to make it

> BTW there are several variants of the localvimrc file around. I use
> the one by Markus Braun with script ID 1613 I think

ok, just to be on the safe side, i downloaded the 1613 version and put
that in my .vim/plugin folder

thank you for your help!

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