Friday, January 29, 2010

Re: filter output to scratch buffer

ven, 29 Jan 2010, Bob Hiestand skribis:
> On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 9:50 PM, bill lam <> wrote:
> > I map F5 to search dictionary with
> >
> > nmap <F5> :!dict <cword> <CR>
> >
> > The output is quite long and also it may contain some info that I
> > would like to copy.  Is it possible to redirect the output to a new
> > scratch buffer?
> You could do something like the following:
> :nmap <F5> :let dictScratch=system('dict ' .
> expand('<cword>'))<CR>:new<CR>:0put =dictScratch<CR>:set
> buftype=nofile<CR>

Thank you Bob, it works nicely.

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