Friday, January 29, 2010

Re: search for null

2010/1/29 Dominique Pellé <>:
> Ron Olson wrote:
>> Hi all-
>> Is there a particular way I can use to search for instances of null
>> (ascii 0, hex 0x0) in a file? I haven't come up with a way to do so,
>> yet there is clearly a null in my file as moving over it shows ascii 0
>> and hex 0x0, I just want to find/highlight all the others.
>> Thanks.
> $ vim -u NONE -U NONE -c 'set hls dy=uhex'
> Then search for NUL char with:
> /<c-v>000<Enter>
> (where <c-v> is "control-v" key)
> and I see the NUL chars highlighted.

In terminal vim,


will probably also do the trick. Useful to know sometimes, but
probably not too helpful in gvim.


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