Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The 'default highlighting' after loading empty (each line commented) syntax file


I'm writing my own syntax file. From the beginning I came across some problems. Whereas some of them I'm going to solve myself, one of the problems appears to be solved at the beginning.

I created a syntax file in which I commented each line. Basically, that file looks like below:

" syn some text
" syn some text
" syn some text
" highlight some text

I named my syntax file as test01.vim and I put it into vim72\syntax folder.

Then I opened my file with my language.
Then I cleared syntax by executing :cal SetSyn(""). As a result of that I've got white text on the black background. That is fine.
Then I called my syntax file by executing :cal SetSyn("test01.vim") and as a result of doing that a surprise: instead of having expected no change (becouse I didn't define anything in my syntax file) and still having white text on black background I've got some highighting in a two colors: yellow (words as 'on' and 'check') and purple (numbers and everything in  " ").

What's happened?

What is that 'default highlighting' from?


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