Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Re: Emacs' Org-mode clone for Vim

On Nov 29, 9:31 pm, ZyX <zyx....@gmail.com> wrote:
> some additional notes:
> 1.
>     if !exists('g:org_agenda_dirs')
>         execute "let g:org_agenda_dirs =['".expand("%:p:h")."']"
>     endif
> execute is not required here:
>     let g:org_agenda_dirs=[expand("%:p:h")]
> works just fine and does not break if filename contains newlines.
> Review all executes, they are unneeded in most cases and may even cause security
> issues.

Thanks, yes, I had noticed recently that I was now doing same thing
without executes. Need to edit previous uses.
> 2. You still have lots of global variables that are not options (though with
> org_ prefix). Why don't you like script variables?

Yeah, that's on my list of things to review. Not like script
variables? No, I wouldn't say that. But when writing something up
it's often much easier to use globals, makes them easier to modify and
experiment with them from command line as you're testing. I guess I
could write wrapper function to allow editing of s:vars from command
line, same way as I now have global a OrgSID() function that allows me
to call script local functions from the command line.



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