Saturday, November 27, 2010

Re: Emacs' Org-mode clone for Vim

Reply to message «Re: Emacs' Org-mode clone for Vim»,
sent 14:08:31 27 November 2010, Saturday
by ZyX:

Some additional notes:
1. Do not pollute buffer and global scopes with lots of variables: either use
two dictionaries (one global and one buffer) which will hold all of them (for
example, see how it is implemented in vim-addon-manager), or do as I do: purge
out all global and buffer variables, use script-global dictionary with buffer
numbers as keys to emulate buffer-local variables and just script variables for
other purposes.

2. Let user decide which mapping to use: replace lots of buffer maps with
if !exists('b:map_leader')
let b:map_leader=','
execute "noremap ".b:map_leader."... ..."
and replace global mappings with
let s:org_maps={'effort': '<F5>'}
function s:GetLHS(name)
return ((exists('g:org_maps.'.a:name))?
\ (g:org_maps[a:name]):
\ (s:org_maps[a:name]))

if !empty(s:GetLHS('effort'))
execute "inoremap ".(s:GetLHS('effort'))." <C-r>=Effort()<CR>"
execute "noremap ".(s:GetLHS('effort'))." <C-r>=Effort()<CR>"
users won't thank you if you unconditionally remap functional key.

3. Replace
let g:weekdaystring = '\cmon\|tue\|wed\|thu\|fri\|sat\|sun'
let s:weekdaystring = '\c'.join(g:org_options.weekdays, '\|')
in order to let users localize it.

4. Replace
set formatlistpat=^\\s*\\d\\+\\.\\s\\+\\\|^\\s*\\-\\s\\+
let &l:formatlistpat='^\s*\d\+\.\s\+\|^\s*-\s\+'
because 1) it is more readable without lots of backslashes and 2) its sets local
option, not global. I do not know, why you have escaped `-' here, so that
escaping was removed.

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