Saturday, November 27, 2010

Re: Emacs' Org-mode clone for Vim

Reply to message «Re: Emacs' Org-mode clone for Vim»,
sent 13:53:29 27 November 2010, Saturday
by Marko Mahnič:

> One thing I didn't like is that global settings were changed by the
> plugin (like noswapfile, guioptions, list, listchars, ...). These
> should be
> left to the user. If you really have to change them, please apply them
> when entering an org buffer and restore them after leaving the buffer.
One won't need to do so except for guioptions: swapfile, list and listchars are
local options. But I am surprised why hsitz haven't used setlocal when changing
them, though many other options are set with `setlocal'.

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