Saturday, November 27, 2010

Re: Emacs' Org-mode clone for Vim

On Nov 26, 8:07 am, hsitz <> wrote:
> I've been working on a clone of Emacs' Org-mode and wanted to announce
> an early version of it that's available (for the adventurous) at
> Github:
> There are also a bunch of videos illustrating some of the
> functionality here:


> I've got a good start on implementing a lot of the major features and
> people who
> are the "early adopter" type may be interested in giving it a spin
> right now.  I'd be
> happy to hear feedback.

I've installed it (version 0.11 from to see how it integrates
with my Linux Vim setup (7.3), without the patch from contrib:
:set ft=org
When I pressed Tab, I got an error and had to press Ctrl-C for vim to
continue. This printed an additional error: E490: No fold found.
Cycling through folds seems to be broken. Then I tried to use my
script VxFold (
with which fold-cycling work. It is a more generic solution which
works with many different markup styles. You are welcome
to use the code from it if you wish.

One thing I didn't like is that global settings were changed by the
plugin (like noswapfile, guioptions, list, listchars, ...). These
should be
left to the user. If you really have to change them, please apply them
when entering an org buffer and restore them after leaving the buffer.

Excellent work! Can't wait to see more.


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